Move over California, Michigan is the new Cannabis King!
Dispensary, NewsThe SF Gate shares the honestly shocking news that Michigan has surpassed California as the nation's largest legal market.

Licensed Cannabis Businesses in Detroit
DispensaryA list of Detroit marijuana dispos!!

A 4/20 message from the other side of the counter
Dispensary, NewsAndrea Doyle is a co-founder of the cannabis event company Ashe Lounge who also works in a dispensary. She was doing that on the High Holiday, 4/20 and like many dispensaries, hers was laid low by the horribly timed outage of cannabis commerce vendor Dutchie.

Calyxeum opening Detroit Dispensary on 4/20
Cannabis, DispensaryCalyxeum, a Black women-owned vertical cannabis company will be opening its first dispensary in southwest Detroit this Saturday, April 20th with deals, a live DJ, free food, and comedy.

Pleasantrees Opening Michigan’s Largest Cannabis Dispensary this weekend
DispensaryPleasantrees officially opens their 9000 sq. ft. facility at the old Gibralter Trade Center in Mt. Clemens on March 29th.

Are there REALLY more cannabis dispensaries Than McDonalds in the US?
Dispensary, NewsWhat's your guess?

Will Michigan’s Medical Cannabis Market Disappear?
Dispensary, NewsThe Green Market Report shares an excellent in-depth exploration of Michigan’s vanishing medical marijuana industry.

Five Things you need to know about Nuggets Canna Co.
5things, DispensaryNuggets is located directly across from Eastern Michigan University and owned and operated by caregivers, growers & cannasuers.

Just how potent is that Michigan marijuana anyway?
Cannabis, DispensarySome in Michigan cannabis industry allege questionable conduct by marijuana growers, producers and testing labs.