
Ironwood Aurora Borealis by Aubree Herrick

All of Michigan could see Northern Lights tonight!

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The NWS/NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center is the governmental agency tasked with keeping track of solar storms and there is a doozy bearing down on us tonight!!
Eclipse Series by Ian Parker

See the April 8th Eclipse … in Michigan … sort of

Information about the tiny sliver of Michigan where you can see the whole eclipse in on April 8

Spring and the Vernal Equinox arrive tonight!

At 11:06pm tonight (March 19, 2024) Spring officially begins with the vernal equinox.
The lack of correlation between driving and blood THC fits within emerging evidence that there is not a linear relationship between the two

THC Blood Levels Unrelated to Driving Performance

The presence of THC in blood is not predictive of poor driving performance according to researchers affiliated with the University of Toronto.
Lift Cannabis Expo 2018 by GoToVan

$20 Million of Tax Revenue Allocated to Michigan Cannabis Research

The Marijuana Business Daily reports that Michigan is allocating $20 million of its recreational marijuana tax revenue this year toward cannabis-related medical research.