
All of Michigan could see Northern Lights tonight!
Fun, News, PhotoThe NWS/NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center is the governmental agency tasked with keeping track of solar storms and there is a doozy bearing down on us tonight!!

A 4/20 message from the other side of the counter
Dispensary, NewsAndrea Doyle is a co-founder of the cannabis event company Ashe Lounge who also works in a dispensary. She was doing that on the High Holiday, 4/20 and like many dispensaries, hers was laid low by the horribly timed outage of cannabis commerce vendor Dutchie.

Calyxeum opening Detroit Dispensary on 4/20
Cannabis, DispensaryCalyxeum, a Black women-owned vertical cannabis company will be opening its first dispensary in southwest Detroit this Saturday, April 20th with deals, a live DJ, free food, and comedy.

Movement Pre-Party ~ Friday, May 24th in Detroit
detroitJoin Road Trip and Skymint along with Fifth Age Rosin, Hytek, and Polygon Genetics at the Movement Pre-Party.

Official Capital City Film Festival Afterparty ~ April 20th in Lansing
lansingSometimes Art House, Capital City Film Festival & Lansing's own Ganja Girl invite you to the Official Capital City Film Festival Afterparty on Saturday, April 20th in Lansing.

Vehicle City Social 4/20 Party ~ Sat, April 20th in Flint
flintThe event features live music & DJs, dab & joint-rolling contests, games, prizes & much more.

Pure Options 420 Block Party ~ Sat April 20th in Lansing
lansingPure Options of Lansing invites you to join them at Lansing's historic Frandor for an immersive experience at their 420 Block Party!

Canna Jam ~ June 13-16th in Standish
flintTerp n Time Genetics invites you to join them for CannaJam, a 4 day weekend of wonderful music and positive vibes!

Fatty’s Fest 420 ~ Sat. April 20th in Dearborn Heights
detroitFatty's invites you to join them on Saturday, April 20th at Lines Skatepark in Dearborn Heights & help them celebrate their favorite day of the year: 4/20!