
Is cannabis the future of food?
Culinary CannabisFood Business News has a nice feature on an exploration of cannabis & the future of food at this years South by Southwest Conference.

Cannabis Tourism: The Next Big Thing?
Cannabis, LodgingMG Magazine has a feature exploring the development of marijuana tourism that's well worth the time of anyone in the cannabis or hospitality industry.

Michigan Cannabis Consumption Lounges
Cannabis, LoungeA cannabis consumption lounge is a licensed and safe space for a group of people to consume cannabis.

Michigan Cannabis Career Fair on Saturday, June 12
Cannabis, EducationMichigan Cannabis Events shares that the virtual Michigan Cannabis Career Fair will take place from 11 AM - 4 PM this Saturday.

Southwest Michigan’s Cannabis Economy is Booming
NewsThe South Bend Tribune took a deep dive into one of the biggest success stories of Michigan's cannabis legalization - the marijuana boom bringing jobs & new life to factories & storefronts in southwest Michigan.

Michael Fisher talks caregivers & growing in Michigan
CannabisSensi Michigan's profile includes tips for growing your own in Michigan along with some great background on our medical caregiver growing system.

Town Hall for Michigan entrepreneurs & investors
Cannabis, EducationOn June 10 ArcView held an online Town Hall exploring the Michigan cannabis industry that you can watch right now.

Lansing’s 420 Cannabis Festival ~ August 13-14, 2021
lansingThe inaugural 420 Cannabis Festival celebrating the legalization of recreational marijuana in Michigan is scheduled for August 13-14, 2021 at Adado Riverfront Park.

High Tea Paint & Puff ~ Thursday, June 24th
detroitQulture will be celebrating Nurse Cathleen Graham's birthday at their first in-person High Tea of the year on Thursday, June 24th from 7-11 PM at The Michigan Squeeze Station in Detroit.