
“Instagram of Marijuana” coming in 2022 & rapper Berner are teaming up to launch the “Instagram of Marijuana” January 1, 2022 through according to their news release.

Federal marijuana legalization measure introduced
NewsKyle Jaeger of Marijuana Moment has an excellent article on a new measure to federally legalize cannabis introduced by House Republicans this week.

Flint Dispensary & Microbuddery giving away 1000 Turkeys
DispensaryThe Michigan Marijuana Report shares that Light’N Up Cannabis Company announced its inaugural 1,000 Turkey Giveaway Nov. 20 and 21, in partnership with The Hero Project USA that supports America’s veterans.

By the Numbers: Michigan sets another recreational marijuana high in October
Dispensary, NewsMichigan continued a strong year for recreational cannabis sales in October 2021. The $163.5 million was $56,000 over July's total and a whopping 63% ($68.7 million) over 2020 recreational sales.

Cannabis in Common seeks to engage marijuana voters
Education, NewsThe Associated Press has a feature on the new federal cannabis legalization campaign that was launched this week by large marijuana businesses and celebrities like Seth Rogan and Sarah Silverman.

Greenhouse of Walled Lake seeking veterans for the last mile
DispensaryFox 2 Detroit reports that the Greenhouse of Walled Lake is hiring 12 military veterans as delivery drivers for their new delivery service.

Grassy Knoll Provisioning Grand Opening ~ Saturday, Nov 20th
The Grassy Knoll at 2125 Lemuel Street in Muskegon invites you to their grand opening event this Saturday, November 20, 2021 from 11 am to 3 pm with food, music, cannabis specials and dogs!

Holiday Blazer & Charity Gala ~ Saturday, Dec 18th
southwestThe event offers an afternoon filled with fun & information followed by a memorable evening with dinner & dancing the Deliciously Dope Cooking Competition!

Hoodies & Heels Food Sampling ~ Saturday, Nov 13th
detroitDivine Epicurean in metro Detroit invites you to join them this Saturday (November 13) from 7-11 PM for their Hoodies & Heels Food Sampling.