Cannabis Support Crosses Party Lines in Michigan

Cannabis & Michigan Politics

Cannabis & Michigan PoliticsThe Detroit Metro Times reports that the Michigan Cannabis Industry Association’s new election scorecard shows that state lawmakers across party lines have adopted attitudes more favorable toward cannabis:

The questionnaire was created by Lansing based political consultants Grassroots Midwest. Candidates were given a letter grade from A to F based on their responses.

“The results confirmed what we are seeing firsthand, that support for cannabis has become a bipartisan issue,” Robin Schneider, executive director of the MiCIA, said in a statement. “As we have rolled out our industry in Michigan, lawmakers are respecting and upholding the will of the voters.”

One hundred percent of Democratic and 90 percent of Republican candidates earned an A or B grade on the scorecard. But it seems like there is still a bit of stigma associated with even talking about weed: while 66 percent of Democratic candidates queried responded to the questionnaire, only 33 percent of Republicans did so.

You can see all the scorecards on the Michigan Cannabis Industry Association website.