By the Numbers

2021 Michigan Cannabis Sales

The Michigan Cannabis Industry’s 2021 trend of demolishing 2020 sales numbers continued unabated in December as the state recorded just under $168 million dollars in total sales, the second highest monthly total of the year. The state ended the year with just over $481,000 in medical sales & 1.3 million in recreational sales for a grand total of $1,793,177,277 in total marijuana sales for the year.

“It’s good to note that the new high is not because of increasing prices. In fact, prices in medical and adult-use continue to drop, month over month, and year over year,” Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) Director Andrew Brisbo noted on Twitter.  While the December 2020 recreational price was $350 per ounce & medical was $265/oz, December 2021 prices declined to $185/oz for recreational & $175/oz for medical.

The dramatic decrease in price for recreational cannabis is likely a major driver for the continued decline of medical sales in 2021, but the fact that there were just 47 recreational provisioning center licenses in December 2020 compared to 458 licenses* at the end of December 2021 is definitely a big factor.

In terms of product sold through the adult use market, flower was the clear king in December with a whopping 46% of total sales followed by vape cartridges with 27% and edibles at 12%. You can contrast that with the December 2020 top three of flower (51%), edibles (19%), and vape cartridges (18%).

See more in the Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency’s Statistical Reports.

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*NOTE: not all active provisioning center licenses are operational

Morganja Farms - Ganja Grown HogsVerts Neighborhood Dispensary Traverse CityNorthern Specialty Health Provisioning Center
2021 Michigan Cannabis Sales
Michigan Medical & Recreational Cannabis Sales 2020 v 2021
2020 to 2021 Michigan Net Cannabis Sales Increase

December 2021 Sales by Product

Inhalable Compound Concentrate10.83$103,286
Vape Cartridge806.9$8,753,467
Infused Non-Edible Solid385.84$148,227
Infused Liquid6,346.14$189,836
Infused Non-Edible Liquid587.33$12,279