Infuse your Thanksgiving Feast!
Here’s a few links to some tasty recipes to add THC or CDB to your Thanksgiving feast!

photo by @theherbsomm on Instagram
Jamie Evans aka The Herbsomm shares a delicious recipe for Pumpkin Pie CBD Pudding Shots that are spiced with a blend of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cardamom.
While preparing this recipe, keep in mind that you’ll be using a CBD-rich oil to infuse the pudding shots like Care By Design’s 18:1 Full Spectrum CBD Drops.
Leafly shares several great ideas including Cannabis-Infused Turkey Sage Meatballs With Cranberry Orange Sauce (!!), creamy cannabis infused mashed potatoes & a marijuana infused green bean casserole. They even have tips for infusing your Thanksgiving leftovers.
In regards to general cannabis cooking tips. they share:
…cooking with cannabis is easy. THC is fat-soluble, so any recipe that uses fat (like cake or gravy or whipped cream or buttered carrots) can be infused with cannabis. Cannabis butters and oils are easy to make.
The thing is: if you infuse every dish with cannabis, and people go back for seconds and thirds (as people tend to do on Thanksgiving), you run the risk of getting everyone too high to move and they won’t be able to help you with the dishes after the meal.
To combat this, their suggestions include making a low-strength butter, use sparingly, limit the number of infused dishes & pair with coffee and/or CBD as both help counteract the effects of cannabis.
A happy & safe Thanksgiving to all of you!