Bloom City Club Battle Creek

Bloom City Club is Battle Creek’s NINTH Recreational Dispo!

Metro Times Detroit reports that Bloom City Club opened a new recreational marijuana provisioning center last week in Battle Creek.
Northern Michigan University Cannabis Studies

Green Flower Cannabis Employer Network

Northern Michigan University is announcing the launch of Green Flower's Cannabis Employer Network with access to job postings from cannabis employers.
Cannabis Cough Syrup

#TBT: Cannabis Cough Syrup & Marijuana Prohibition

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History Cool Kids shares the ingredients to the leading cough syrup from the early 1900s to explain the impact of cannabis prohibition in America.
NORML Marijuana Is No Big Deal

Study finds seniors finding help with cannabis

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) reports on a study finding that senior citizens are using cannabis to mitigate symptoms of older age.
Downtown Detroit Michigan

Detroit recreational cannabis to include consumption lounges & microbusinesses

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At long last, the City of Detroit has unveiled their regulations for the licensing of adult-use recreational marijuana sales.

Michigan Wiping Slate for Most Marijuana Offenses

Fox News 2 Detroit reports that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a bill to allow past marijuana offenses be expunged from the record.
Crobtoberfest 2020

2020 Croptober Fest at Rainbow Farm

New Rainbow Farms is absolutely free and takes place from noon - midnight. It will feature live bands, fire entertainment after dark,  merchant vendors, food vendors & a costume contest.
lil wayne gkua cannabis

Lil Wayne’s Cannabis Brand Launches in Michigan

The Freep reports that Lil Wayne's GKUA cannabis brand is launching in Michigan on October 10th because the company feels its values match the community.
End of Caregiver Cannabis by Rick Thompson

Sunset on Michigan Caregiver Cannabis

Longtime Michigan cannabis activist Rick Thompson shares the news that caregiver cannabis is now completely excluded from the Michigan medical and adult-use cannabis markets.