
Michigan Cannabis Career Fair

Michigan Cannabis Career Fair on Saturday, June 12

Michigan Cannabis Events shares that the virtual Michigan Cannabis Career Fair will take place from 11 AM - 4 PM this Saturday.
MSU Cannabis 2021 Internships

100+ MSUCIA Jobs & Internships available!

The hard working folks at @msucannabis have assembled an incredible resource for students looking to get into Michigan’s booming cannabis industry.
Skymint Cannabis Farms

Cars to Cannabis: can the marijuana industry become the next big job creator?

Skymint Cannabis CEO Jeff Radway has an interesting article in Rolling Stone wondering if the cannabis industry can become a 21st century employment driver as autos did in the last century.
Northern Michigan University Cannabis Studies

Green Flower Cannabis Employer Network

Northern Michigan University is announcing the launch of Green Flower's Cannabis Employer Network with access to job postings from cannabis employers.