
Growing Strong with Cannabis Medicine

Learn about State of Michigan marijuana programs for veterans

MiCannaTrail's newest writer Sarah Black debuts with an excellent & in-depth feature on the State of Michigan's cannabis programs for veterans.
The lack of correlation between driving and blood THC fits within emerging evidence that there is not a linear relationship between the two

THC Blood Levels Unrelated to Driving Performance

The presence of THC in blood is not predictive of poor driving performance according to researchers affiliated with the University of Toronto.


Camp 710 Invitational Grand Junction Michigan

Camp 710 Invitational ~ June 28-30 in Grand Junction

The ultimate three-day camping music festival celebrating heady culture and the bass music scene in an unforgettable outdoor experience in Southwest Michigan.
CannaBabe Immersive Art Event

CannaBabe presents Immersive Art ~ March 14th in Detroit

Journey with CannaBabe to Detroit on Thursday, March 14th into a world of creativity and culture at Immersive Art, their first interactive and live art showcase.
906 Boony Bash July 26-28 Michistrigan

906 Boony Bash ~ July 26-28th in the Upper Peninsula

Booney Bash will be a multi-genre music festival featuring Metal, Rock, Alternative, EDM, Hip-Hop, Acoustic and Folk for attendees aged 21+

St. Phatty’s Day Celebration – March 17th in Westland

St. Phatty's Day is a unique & private event presented by DankGirls at the Westland selfie museum on March 17, 2024 from 2-6pm.

Michigan Gems n Genetics Summer Festival ~ June 7-9th at Sarns Resort

Join Gems n Genetics for another Summer Festival June 7-9, 2024 at Sarns Resort Campground!!
Cannadates at 29Thirty

CannaDates Speed Dating ~ Friday, Feb 16 in Detroit

CannaDates is speed dating for the cannabis connoisseur that takes place on Friday, February 16 from 7-11 at 29 Thirty in Detroit.
Blooming Buds Valentines Day

Blooming Buds One-year Happy Valentine’s Day Celebration

LOVE is in the air in the air in Harrisville on February 14th as Blooming Buds Dispensary in downtown Harrisville is celebrating their 1-year anniversary on Valentine's Day.