Only Alien Cannabis Smoking Lounge Opens in Kalamazoo

mLive shares news that the Only Alien Cannabis Co. cannabis lounge where patrons can smoke marijuana indoors is now open in Kalamazoo:

It’s similar to a bar, but with marijuana instead of alcohol.

One co-owner, Royal Laraway IV, lit a joint for demonstration purposes and puffed smoke into the air during an interview with MLive/Kalamazoo Gazette on Thursday, Feb. 22.

…Only Alien will work to fill a niche in the market, growing small, hand-trimmed batches on site with a focus on quality, Laraway said, while cultivating a unique experience for visitors. It’s a microgrow, dispensary and lounge, all in one.

“You can be yourself here,” Laraway said. “That’s what Only Alien stands for.”

…Only Alien’s four co-owners are Laraway, who’s head of cultivation and a managing partner; General Manager Marty Webber; George Webber; and Managing Partner Gabe Barham.

“We are a Class A Microgrow with a consumption lounge on site,” Barham said. It’s the first of its kind in Michigan with those licenses types in place at the same address, he said.

Only two other businesses in Michigan have licenses for on-site marijuana consumption: Hot Box Social in Hazel Park and Kalkushka Lounge in Kalkaska. But Only Alien is the only place that also has a license to grow cannabis on site.

The consumption lounge, sales floor and grow operation opened its doors to the public in mid-February. There have already been some fun nights, with people coming to celebrate the new business, Webber said.

Space-themed murals cover the walls in a sleek seating area, with tables and trays at the ready for ash. People can bring in a coffee to enjoy with their smoke, the owners said.

A specialized filter system clears the air in minutes.

Glass pipes are for sale and people can use their own bong/smoking devices or rent them. But patrons can only use marijuana bought on site.

Read on for a ton more about what sounds like a very cool operation!!! Only Alien ( is located at  free to enter, located at 4525 West KL Ave, and is open 7 days a week from 9am – 9pm.

photos via Only Alien Co