Smoker’s Ball ~ Saturday, Feb 15th
Vehicle City Social Club invites you to join a fun new era of parties in Michigan. The Smoker’s Ball is a rotating pot party. The first stop is Vehicle City on Saturday, February 15, 2020 that will raise money to support the Shelter of Flint, a family shelter for the homeless. They’ll be playing dress up (dress to impress), dancing to the terrific tunes of Dj Franki Jaye, enjoying a photo booth, raffle, door prizes, a couple art vendors, and puffing on pot (not required but available at the venue with a valid medical card).
They are working on setting up a deal with a local hotel for cheap rates on rooms and hopefully an after party there for Dj Franki’s Birthday. There will be a shuttle to and from the party venue from the hotel for a very reasonable fee. More details to come! If you’re an artist and interested in being a vendor hit them up ASAP!
The cost is $20 and you can click for tickets!