Michigan Weedsters Harvest Rally ~ September 12 in Lansing
You are invited to be a part of the Michigan Weedsters Harvest Rally 2024 on Thursday, September 12, 2024 from High Noon to 4:20 at the Capitol in Lansing.
The rally features food trucks, vendors, educational tables, inspiring speakers & entertainment and is your chance to step up and help protect the freedoms we have voted for and earned in our state. These freedoms that have set the standard for the nation & it is time for us to protect them:
- To allow all residents individual freedom to grow cannabis on their own property
- To allow Caregivers to grow for MM Patients
- To allow EVERYONE the opportunity to build a business
- To ensure that Michigan provides “good paying” & “long lasting” jobs
- To get people out of prison, who are serving time for cannabis
- To help consumers better navigate those businesses that fully support what we voted for as a state
Follow Michigan Weedsters on Instagram for the latest info!