Lansing’s 420 Cannabis Festival ~ August 13-14, 2021
The inaugural 420 Cannabis Festival celebrating the legalization of recreational marijuana in Michigan is scheduled for August 13-14, 2021 at Adado Riverfront Park. The will feature the Hot Box consumption lounge, where attendees may use cannabis & musical entertainment will feature performances by artists Sada Baby and Saving Abel.
The event runs from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, Aug. 13 and Saturday, Aug. 14. Fridays music features pop and rock, while Saturday features rap and hip-hop artists. Other artists expected to perform, according to the event’s website, include Full House, La Corporacion, Keegan, Rock City, Rich Regal, Cutthroat Situation, Doobie, Kelsey Lynn, Sway Boi and No Sleep Milli.
Tickets & all the details at 420cannabisfestival2021.com.