Ann Arbor Entheofest ~ Sunday, September 19th
The first annual Ann Arbor Entheofest takes place on Sunday, September 19th at the Diag (University of Michigan campus on steps of Hatcher graduate library) 11:11am – 2:22pm is a free speech event celebrating sacred plant medicine.
This will be an annual event commemorating the anniversary of Ann Arbor’s resolution to decriminalize entheogen plants and fungi with drumming by Lamine Soumah and Sundance DiDomenico & music by Brennan Andes and friends. The event is presented by Decriminalize Nature MI, Michigan Psychedelic Society (MPS), and the Student Association for Psychedelic Studies (SAPS)
As the event ends, they will be asking those who want to join us at the Michigan Nichols Arboretum to continue the celebration. There will be no structured event at the Arb, just likeminded people hanging out.